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发布:朗阁培训中心  点击数:  发布时间:2013-7-25 10:09:18
摘要 :上海朗阁雅思小编为大家带来新词新译系列,考生可以借鉴参考一下,以下是具体内容:  小型核武器mini-nukes  宵夜astokeofmidnight  效益工资achievements-relatedwages;wagesbasedon
  小型核武器 mini-nukes
  宵夜 a stoke of midnight
  效益工资 achievements-related wages; wages based on benefits
  效益农业 profitable agriculture
  校园歌曲 campus song
  校园文化 campus culture
  小组讨论 panel discussions/group discussions
  消费期望 consumer expectations
  消费需求和投资需求对经济增长的双拉动 double effect on economic growth from consumer demand and investment demand
  小卖部 grocery store
  小排量汽车 small-displacement vehicles
  小品 witty skits
  小商品城 small commodities market
  销售热线 sales hotline
  孝顺 show filial obedience
  校训 school motto
  孝子 dutiful son
  西部地区“两基”攻坚计划 the plan to make nine-year compulsory education universal and to eliminate illiteracy among the young and middle-aged in the western region
  协定关税 agreement tariff; conventional tariff
  邪恶轴心 the axis of evil
  邪教 cult; heretic sect
  斜拉索桥 stayed-cable bridge
  协调世界时 coordinated universal time (utc)
  写真集 photo album
  写字楼 office building
  协办单位 co-organizer
  新长征 the new long march—a figure of speech referring to the new historical "journey" started in china when the 10-year turmoil was over; the main task of this "journey" is to build china into a prosperous and strong, democratic, civilized and modernized socialist state
  新长征突击手 pace-setter in the new long march—young men and women springing up from various fields in the course of building china into a modernized state; refer also to the honorary title awarded to these people
  新宠 new favorite
  (翻译)信、达、雅 "faithfulness, expressiveness and taste"
  信贷银行 credit bank
  信贷支持 credit aid
  信得过产品 trustworthy product
  新的经济增长点 new point for/ sources of economic growth
  辛迪加 syndicate
  新发行股票 new issues
  新发行市场 new-issue market
  信访 letters from and visits of the people
  信访工作 work as ombudsman
  《信访条例》 regulations on petitions in the form of letters and visits
  新干线 the shinkansen line
  新官上任三把火 a new broom sweeps clean
  新婚市场(指买卖兴旺的市场) bridal market
  心理素质 psychological quality
  心理咨询 psychological consulting
  新石器时代 the neolithic age; new stone age
  信托公司 trust company
  新网通 new netcom
  新闻检查 censorship of the press
  新闻自由 freedom of the press
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